Education is the backbone of the society and it is the basis for the overall development and progress of a nation. The Code of Canon Law specifies: Since the true education must strive for the integral formation of the human person, a formation which looks towards the persons’ final end and at the same time towards the common good of the societies, children and young people are to be reared that they can develop harmoniously their physical, moral and intellectual talents that they acquire a more perfect sense of responsibility and a correct use of freedom, and that they be educated for active participation in social life (A text and commentary No. 795). The purpose of education is to develop the latent talents and potentialities to the fullness of a student’s personality.
The Encyclical Vita Consecrata enlightens all the consecrated persons that they have a specific duty in the educational field. They are called to bear witness to the values of the kingdom, proposed to everyone in expectation of the definitive meeting with the Lord of history (Cf. VC 96). This reminder of the Church to the religious makes CSA more aware of their responsibility in the field of education.
In its venture to open up new avenues in the field of education, it is always faithful to its charism given by the Founder i.e. “Welfare and upliftment of the poor”. Realizing the need of education for all, the Congregation opened the schools and colleges in various states of India and in Tanzania, East Africa.
Students from poor and middle class families are given preference in our educational institutions with meager fee. Every student is given admission without any reserve. Thousands of students are trained under the dynamic leadership and care of sisters and the lay staff and majority of the students are placed in higher responsibilities in the society today.